Glow & Grow with
Self Love and Resilience
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AuthorDr Rachael Riley
Study time2 hours
Video time1 hour
What's included?
Discovering Self Love
In our lives, we often find ourselves seeking love and validation from others, looking outside ourselves for that sense of worth and belonging. But what if I told you that the key to true happiness lies within you? "We Often Depend on Others to Show Us Love" this course is crafted to help you navigate the path of self-love, empowering you to overcome life's hurdles with authenticity and resilience.
Open Your Heart
So, grab your pen, open your heart, and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Because when you learn to love yourself deeply and unconditionally, there's no limit to what you can achieve.
Meet the instructor
Dr. Rachael Ann Riley
Dr. Rachael Ann Riley is a distinguished mental health professional in the Federal Prison System, an author, life coach and military veteran.
She holds a Doctorate degree in Humanitarian Studies. Leveraging her extensive academic background and military experience, Rachael impacts lives through her commitment to mental health advocacy and rehabilitation.
She authored "I Am Enough," a memoir that explores her journey as a single mother overcoming adversity and provides strategies for resilience and success.
She uses her expertise as a life coach to help single women globally.
Patrick Jones - Course author